Making gifts look good
30 Sep 2021
• To create a gift pack suitable for beer, glasses and socks from an independent craft brewery for Father’s Day
• To ensure the pack was fully recyclable and able to navigate the postal system/courier service without any product damage
• To create a positive unboxing experience for the recipient
The gift pack was to be retailed through the brewery’s ecommerce site. It was to incorporate the eye-catching branding of the company and to be an easy to open pack that delivered a positive unboxing experience. The pack was printed inside (orange) and outside (black) to ensure the brand was well represented and the unboxing experience was positive.
The design reflected the contemporary nature of the brand.
Manufactured from E150WW and printed on both sides the pack was supplied to the customer in flat pack form approximately 300 to each pallet. The design of the box ensured that it was easy for our customer to pack and seal and easy for the end user customer to open with a ripper strip giving access. Angled creases negated the need for any additional tape, and a locking tab secured the pack once the goods were placed inside. A separate divider was created to give added protection to the stemmed glass.
Tests prior to manufacture were carried out by the company to ascertain packing efficiencies, and they were very happy with the simplicity and speed that the pack delivered. It is worth noting that we also supply the brown outer transit box to enable the pack to be sent to the purchaser without identifying the goods inside.
The pack was a huge success around the Father’s Day gifting window and elevated the gifting opportunity from the brewery to a loyal, but ever-growing, customer base.
The pack was designed to use the smallest amount of board possible and needed no other packaging materials, either to give added protection or as a closure, making the pack easily and 100% recycled through most kerbside recycling providers. This meant that all elements of the pack were consumer friendly including anonymous delivery, ‘no need to wrap’ as the box print was attractive and the pack easy to open and easy to dispose of.
The pack design showcases the innovative ideas the design team provided to the client, including a raft of other ideas that were presented for the client to choose from. These ideas now form the basis for ongoing discussions for future gift packs, and ecommerce solutions.
Facts and Stats:
• 2500 packs delivered for first occasion
• Work ongoing to use the same pack design for other gifting ranges, such as Christmas
• Future requirements involve having the same pack but different configuration and contents, including the pack being turned into a board game
Photo courtesy of client

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