

2020 vision

22 Dec 2020

This time last year, as we put together an end of decade news piece, who could have predicted what lay ahead! 2020 has certainly not been the year that all of us expected, but the teams across our sites have shown resilience, determination, and adaptability to keep each other safe and continue to operate in the professional manner for which we are renowned.

Whilst there have been challenges brought about by the pandemic, we have found ways to deal with all that has been requested of us either by the Government, or our customers. Our priority has been to support our customers and to keep all our team safe.

As we look back at 2020 here are a few things that we are proud of…

  • Our staff! We knew we had a good team, but they have shown incredible positivity, team spirit, adaptability, and resilience in 2020. As a designated key industry, they have continued to work hard, keep smiling and play their part in ensuring the supply chains of the UK keep flowing
  • We made our workplaces Covid secure, created lots of information posters to remind staff and help keep themselves and others safe, and we continue to ensure this is maintained at all times
  • Its reinforced the fact that we have an amazing capacity for adaptability that has allowed us to still deliver fantastic productivity and innovation for our customers
  • That we continue to do the best by our customers under all unexpected circumstances including Q4, the busiest time the industry has seen in recent years
  • We have still managed to raise thousands of pounds for charity, despite all organised group events being cancelled, and our charity challenge for the year being side-lined in the spring due to the pandemic.
  • We played a significant part in creating the new Logson Video of which we are very proud
  • We created a digital sales platform to assist our sales teams as they adapted to remote working
  • Oh, and that we’ve become proficient in Covid-19 speak! Words such as ‘lockdown’ ‘social distancing’ ‘furlough’ ‘tiers’ and ‘Coronavirus’ have all become a part of our daily vocabulary but we still wish we had never heard of them.

We recognise that 2020 has been an incredibly tough year for each and every one of us, and that we have all had our own personal challenges to deal with.

We sincerely wish you all, and your colleagues, friends and family, a peaceful and healthy Christmas and we look forward to 2021 with optimism and determination.

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