

The retail sector and Shelf Ready Packaging

13 May 2020

Following on from our overview of Supermarket Ready Packaging, this is the first in a three-part series taking a closer look at how this can be achieved through design led solutions.

This week we’re taking a look at Shelf Ready Packaging (SRP). The retail sector, particularly supermarkets, rely heavily on effective Shelf Ready Packaging to facilitate the easy movement of goods through the supply chain. Utilised across a variety of sectors including food, drink, household, garden, and more; it brings a number of benefits to the retailers in terms of warehouse and stock management and business efficiencies.

What is Shelf Ready Packaging (SRP)?

Shelf Ready Packaging ensures that goods are securely packaged for transport through the supply chain, and onto the shelves for consumers, without having to unpack or repack the goods contained within. It makes the transferring of product from warehouse to supermarket shelf much easier for supermarket staff and has been proven to drive sales.

What makes a good Shelf Ready Pack?

A good shelf ready pack balances the needs of the supermarket, brand and consumer. Done well, it negates the need for any additional packaging as it acts as transit and display packaging. When designing the pack, other factors such as sales rates and replenishment requirements can also be considered to help drive maximum efficiencies in stock and warehouse management systems. Good merchandising is essential in the FMCG sector, but equally important is understanding efficiencies in terms of how good packaging could help with other cost and time factors such as yield per pallet which could potentially reduce warehouse space requirements and transport needs, saving costs and supporting company sustainability policies.

What does a typical SRP look like?

A FEFCO 0201 box with angled perforation is a typical SRP seen across retail shelves in all major supermarkets. Often the branding for the product is printed only to the part of the box that will remain and contain product on the shelf; once the top of the box is ripped away it is disposed of and therefore a plain ‘top’ is perfectly acceptable to reduce printing costs.

Other solutions include fold over ends trays with separate hoods or integrated handles to help facilitate the placing of heavier or bulky goods onto shelves. Typically, SRP’s are used for small to medium sized products and used in a standard shelf situation where the consumer usually just sees the front elevation of the pack. This open front allows the product to be the main focal point, and not the packaging. Branding can be added to the front of the carton as well to enhance the packs messaging.

With recyclability and the reduction of packaging waste high on the agendas of most supermarkets and large retail outlets, product manufacturers are seeking more ways of making their product packaging meet the criteria. Corrugated packaging can be used in a variety of ways to balance the needs of the retail sector, consumer, purchasing departments, CSR policies ensuring brand awareness and cost and time efficiencies are met.

Shelf Ready Packaging definitely has a place in retail outlets across the globe; talk to us about how we can help you find a new solution, perhaps make reductions in your business costs and how together we can make corrugated work for you.

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