Oxford supports next generation
16 Jan 2020
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) is an area of the national curriculum that is garnering much interest and which plays a significant part in the work that we do in a variety of ways.
The subjects, which are intrinsically linked, have become part of a new ‘STEM in a Box Challenge’ by The Curiosity Box and our Oxford team were delighted to sponsor a class at the nearby Stephen Freeman Community Primary School to support their learning through this unique approach.
“These subjects play a significant part in all aspects of our industry, from the technology we need to make our boxes, right through to design, accounts and maintenance in our factory,” said Jonathan Lewis Managing Director Boxes and Packaging (Oxford). “It’s vital for the future of manufacturing, and other industries in the UK, to unlock the delights of STEM subjects through projects like ‘The Great British Blast Off’ and demonstrate how they integrate within future careers and we’d love to see more businesses joining in and offering their support.”
The STEM in a Box challenge is a classroom ready box. It includes everything that is needed for 30 children to explore an STEM project and challenge. It is hoped that 1 million children will be able to benefit from a unique science experience during the project. Other kits can also be bought for individual home use.
“It’s really important that we capture children’s interest and imagination for things like this as young as possible and these boxes supporting learning within a primary school environment perfectly,” said Jonathan. “It was great to visit our partner school and explain what our business did and we shall look forward to supporting them in the future as the project continues to gather momentum.”
Further information can be found by visiting https://stemday.co.uk/
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