

AssessNET launched to support Make it Safe

20 Dec 2019

Our Make It Safe vision is constantly evolving and developing, and with this in mind we are delighted to announce the launch of AssessNET across the entire Logson Group.

A cloud based software tool, designed specifically for the management of health and safety and the working environment, it allows the secure storage and retrieval of all health and safety documentation which is required to be completed by each Boxes and Packaging site to effectively manage all elements of health and safety policies.

“This will be pivotal in the way we manage the administrative side of our Make It Safe vision and the necessary documentation required for every element of this,” said Mark Ryan Logson Group Health and Safety Manager.

Gavin Richardson CEO Boxes and Packaging commented; “Everything from real time auditing to training records can be kept on the portal giving all staff, depending on their access levels, a clear picture of all elements of health and safety at individual sites and across the wider group.”

In addition, AssessNET will support mandatory health and safety training highlighting when further training, such as FLT and manual handling, is required due to upcoming expiration, and will ensure the timely completion of allocated tasks due to an escalating reminder system across the command chain.

Assisting Mark with the trial and implementation of the project is Peter Fenwick part of the Logson Development Programme. Peter was instrumental in formulating a robust six-week trial and detailed assessment at Boxes and Packaging (Manchester) to determine its suitability with very pleasing results.

“Peter has been a great asset to this project and has developed his knowledge of health and safety procedures and management across the group,” said Mark.

Gavin concluded; “We are extremely pleased with how this system will positively impact on our health and safety and support the Make It Safe vision as it continues to develop and integrate with every aspect of our production operations and business principles.”

The programme is currently being rolled out to all Boxes and Packaging sites with the process complete across the Logson Group by May 2020.

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