

B&P Leicester Achieve 1000 days without LTI

15 May 2017

Boxes and Packaging (Leicester) has achieved 1000 consecutive days without a Lost Time Injury (LTI).

This figure shows a substantial achievement for all of the team and is the result of the hard work and dedication from everyone across the site. Furthermore, it is evidence of the businesses’ ongoing commitment towards an exemplary safety record.

Managing Director Gregor Troup, said; “I am proud the team has reached this health and safety 1,000 days milestone. This achievement is the result of the hard work and commitment of everyone at Boxes and Packaging Leicester. We focus on continually improving our safety procedures for the benefit of our employees, contractors and visitors alike.”

The team places Health and Safety as a priority and has robust policies which all members of the team are expected to adhere to without exception. There are various health and safety standards which are a critical part of our everyday business operations and, as more challenges are encountered in the workplace, policies are changed and staff are educated to ensure compliance with all legislative and common sense requirements, as well as industry best practice.


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