Boxes and Packaging Accredited for BRC Global Standard
19 Aug 2016
Following recent audits against the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety, Boxes and Packaging is pleased to once again be recertified for the BRC Standard at its Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Doncaster, Dumbarton, Leicester and Merseyside sites.
The BRC Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials is a leading global brand and the first Standard in the world to be recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GSFI) benchmarking committee.
The BRC Packaging Standard is used by manufacturers producing packaging materials for all types of products – from food to consumer products – at all levels: primary, secondary and tertiary.
The Standard is designed to help industries adopt good manufacturing practices and supporting quality management systems. It also supports businesses to develop and manufacture packaging materials for the food industries that meet the quality levels required by customers in this sector.
This achievement demonstrates the commitment from each of the Boxes and Packaging sites to provide a wide range of products and services to the highest quality.
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